
Are you proactive and positive? Can you exhibit a balance of patience and authority and are you enthusiastic about the EHS Band Program and the students who participate in it?  If you answered “yes” to these questions, you’re a great candidate to be a chaperone!

Chaperoning is a fun and rewarding way for you to be involved in supporting the EHS Band Program. Chaperones are needed for all organized activities that students participate in, including football games, competitions, fall and spring trips, and graduation.  They provide adult supervision and help carry out the details that make trips and competitions run smoothly. They work in partnership with the Directors and APS staff and are expected to follow the same rules that students are required to follow according to APS guidelines and Band Directors’ expectations.

Chaperone responsibilities may include staying with a sick student, running errands, helping with instruments and uniforms, serving dinner or any other necessary task that keeps the band focused on its performance or practice.


Because chaperones are often with students away from the directors or any other APS employee, they MUST have an Unsupervised Background clearance from APS.  This process does take some time to complete, so initiating it early is recommended.  The process changes frequently, so see the How To Volunteer page for the latest details.  The cost for obtaining this clearance is reimbursable from the boosters, if desired.


The Band Booster Vice President serves as the Chaperone Chairperson and will coordinate rosters, schedules and expectations for chaperones. Most of the chaperone opportunities will be published in the weekly band email that is sent on Sunday evening. Chaperone rosters are managed through Signup Genius, an online signup system. 

It’s important that chaperones for any overnight/out-of-town trips know the band students and understand the work required.  Additionally, chaperones will know and support the expectations of the EHS band program and enforce published APS behavior and discipline standards. Only experienced chaperones will be selected for any overnight/out-of-town trips. If you would like to chaperone for overnight/out-of-town trips, please get involved in chaperoning early in the year.

As a chaperone, you will be asked to be a role model and set expectations for students.  Please note the following items. Contact the Vice President or Head Chaperone if you have questions.




When in a restaurant:

When in a hotel:

When at a competition: