
Weekly Newsletter - July 21, 2024

 Sent 7/21/2024, 8:08 PM.

One week of band camp down, one week to go!  I hear the students are working hard and doing a great job.  I am very excited for this season.  It was great meeting many of you at the band picnic this past week - such a good turnout!

A huge thank you to all who have donated to our fundraising campaign!  The students did a great job at our call-a-thon yesterday, and it has been VERY successful.  As of this newsletter, the Golden Booster campaign is sitting at just over $23,000, and our sponsorships are sitting just over $11,500.  The campaigns will run through the beginning of school, after which we will set the student fees for the year.  That means there is still plenty of time to get in any donations or sponsorships and help keep our fees as low as possible.

Additional thanks to all those that volunteered to bring supplies for our chaperone backpacks.  Many of you brought your items to the 

I have a few other things to cover this week, so please make sure to read through it all.

What's in this newsletter?

Here's what I have for you all this week:

This week in band...

Monday 7/22

Tuesday 7/23

Wednesday 7/24

Thursday 7/25

Friday 7/26

Saturday 7/27

Now on to the details...

Band Camp/Uniform Updates

This is the second and last week of band camp.  The big finale on Saturday will be an opportunity for the students to perform and show us parents what they've been working on these past two weeks.  Before that happens, though, the parents will be meeting in the PAC at 9AM where I will give a riveting presentation on all the things you need to know as parents or guardians of an EHS band student.  It is HIGHLY recommended that at least one parent or guardian attends this meeting as we cover a ton of information.  Please bring all your questions as well - it is likely that if you have a question, there are many other parents who also have that question, so bring them all, and I'll answer them all.

This week is also uniform fitting and distribution for our marching uniforms.  Fitting and distribution will be done following the schedule above (and on the calendar - subscribe today!).  Please plan lunch accordingly (i.e - bring a lunch on the day you are supposed to be fitted, as there wont be time to go off campus to get food).  If you haven't yet, please complete the sizing form (link below) to help expedite the fitting and distribution process.

We also still need a number of volunteers to assist with the fitting and distribution process.  You must have an UNSUPERVISED clearance to be able to help out with this. If you have some time, please consider taking a slot from the signup below.

Also note the special Wednesday schedule.  Regular band camp will end an hour early to give the kids a short break before an evening pep band rehearsal at 5:30 PM.

Parent Handbook Acknowledgement

The booster board wants to make sure that as parents and guardians, we are all on the same page regarding expectations of both students and adults as part of the EHS band program.  The students will be going over policies soon with Mr. Sayre.  We as the band boosters (which includes all parents and guardians) will need to make sure we are familiar with communication methods, what is on the website, and most importantly, our band handbook.

This evening, you should receive a message from Cut Time that there is a document you need to sign.  The document contains some highlights and links to various pages on our website and handbook and guides you through the content.  Please take some time to read through everything that document asks of you before you sign your acknowledgement.  Note that there are a couple of elements in the handbook that are yet to be determined, like the fee schedule for the year (waiting on the fundraising campaign to complete), but at least you will know where to find it when it is finalized.

Please read and sign that document in Cut Time at your earliest convenience.  We need at least one parent or guardian of each student to sign this acknowledgement.

Fundraising Update

Thanks again to all who have donated to our fundraising campaigns.  The students did a great job with the call-a-thon on Saturday and we've raised over $15,000 in the last day.  Keep those donations and sponsorships coming in.  Remember, the more we raise during this campaign, the lower your band fees will be for the year.  As of this newsletter, here are the fundraising numbers:

Here are the fundraising links in case you need them:

Volunteer Opportunities

This section will appear in most newsletters providing direct links to our open signups.  You can also always see any open volunteering opportunities on the Volunteering page.

Have a great last week of band camp!  Keep up the great work.

Go Eagles!


Now, a word from Mr. Sayre...

Greetings Eldorado Band Community and Welcome to a NEW SCHOOL YEAR!

We have kicked off band camp and are off to a strong start.  Mr. Snowden and I are pleased with the progress that has been made by our students and we are looking forward to another great year.  There are a ton of people that have made this band camp great but I want to give a huge shout-out to the student leaders and officers for doing an exceptional job with preparation, sectionals, communication, and building relationships with the new members.  Without such a strong group of dedicated student leaders and officers we would not be able to do as much as we do in the band program.  

This coming week is the final 6 days of band camp.  We start each day at 7:30 AM on the marching field.  For students, this means that they need to be in their attendance “dot” when 7:30 AM starts.  Which means students should get dropped off early enough to get all the material/equipment they need from the music building and walk up to the field and get to their spot.  Most students are dropped off around 20 or so minutes before rehearsal starts.  

Here is the live document that I will be updating for the “Plan” for band camp.  If you have questions about what will happen throughout the day, refer to that document.  

Our first performance as a band is to play at SOAR day on August 6th.  Details will be made available soon.  

If you have an absence, please fill out the ABSENCE REQUEST form so we can document these and more easily make arrangements.  

Go Eagles!

Mr. Sayre