Band Fees FAQ
Band fees make it possible for this program to function at such a high level. But you may have some questions about these fees... Look through the FAQs below to find the answers.
How do I pay my student's fees?
You will need to view your student account using the "magic link" from Cut Time to submit your payment via debit or credit card. We do not accept cash.
See the Fee Management for details.
How do I pay my student's fees?
Please pay your student fees in Cut Time - this is the prefered method for paying fees.
If necessary, you can pay by check made payable to the Eldorado Band Boosters and you must send the payment via mail to the following address by the due date.
PO Box 14424
Albuquerque, NM 87191-4424
If you do not use use Cut Time to pay your fees expect delays of up to 10 days to post to your account after we receive your check or money order.
What is the $80 class fee?
This amount is paid and goes directly to the Director’s activity fund at Eldorado High School and is a required fee. No cash will be accepted and you will need to pay this online in the Band Store, or mail a separate check payable to Eldorado High School and send to the address above.
Do I have to pay all the fees at once?
All required fees have been billed to your account for the school year. You have the option to pay all fees at once or to pay in installments.
What is the performance fee?
The performance fee enables us to pay for clinicians, program production costs, student support, equipment, and administrative costs to run the program.
What are direct charges?
Direct charges include uniforms, music assessment fees, or any other items the Director deems directly chargeable to the student.
Why am I being billed for the Spring Trip if I am not going?
If you are not going on the Spring Trip please notify the Treasurer, President, or Secretary and those charges will be removed from your bill. You must make this decision on or before September 15.
How much does band cost?
Depending on your student’s participation level the costs vary. The cost to run our program averages $450-$550 for a band student for the entire school year. Of course, you will also incur additional costs for uniform charges and any additional direct charges to your account deemed appropriate by the Director. Refer to the Student Account Policy page or the Handbook for details and breakout of costs.
Will my student receive credit for participating in Fundraisers?
There are 2 types of fundraising
General Fundraising-your student does not receive individual credit, however your performance fee has been reduced in advance to account what we expect to raise from general fundraising. All students in the program receive the same benefit from general fundraisers.
Individual Fundraising-The Eldorado Band Boosters can not be involved in any of the financial transactions associated with individual fundraising. 501(c)3 organizations are not allowed to engage in individual fundraising. However, Cut Time does provide for "sharing" costs on a student account so you can solicit help from family and friends for band fees.
What other information is available?
Refer to the handbook Financial Policy section for more detailed information
What if I cannot afford to pay the band fees? Is there assistance available?
Currently we do not have any assistance programs available, however we encourage you to take advantage of cost "sharing" capabilities within Cut Time.
What if I do not or cannot pay my band fees by the stated due dates?
We understand that things get in the way. If you are experiencing unforeseen difficulties please contact the Director, President, and Treasurer regarding your situation. We rely on everyone paying their fees by the stated due dates in order to maintain sufficient cash flow to run the program.
What if I disagree with the fees that are being charged?
The fees that are billed to your account are spread over a large number of student’s to make your fee as affordable as possible. The fees are clearly disclosed in the handbook ahead of time. We do not consider a disagreement with a fee to be a valid reason not to pay.
Direct charges to your student’s account are not negotiable.
What if the fees are not paid by the stated due dates?
Your student’s eligibility to participate in off-campus band activities will be affected. It is important to pay your fees as stated and on time. Unpaid fees will make your student ineligible to attend the Spring Trip as well.